Here are the links to the videos we added this year. I'm sure that is the main reason you came to this page.
Here is Nancy's video from her cell phone.
"Nancy's Driveway Video"
A friend clamped his iPhone to the front of his Jeep and made a video of the show while he was driving down the driveway.
"Video from Don's Jeep"
We added a new sequence to the show. "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Raindeer".
I took a video of the sequence with my old Canon DSLR.
"Rudolph Video"
This year we added a few new players to the show. The picture to the left is Our Eight Foot Santa.
Santa is pretty impressive. Nancy wanted somthing to go with the Eight Foot Buck.
The picture to the right is our Elf who hosted the movie on the garage door.
The Elf and his wagon are also new this year.
New this year is the Gnome and his Toy Box. The Gnome is made from "LED Neon Ropelight"
We wanted to see how it would fit in the show.
I am still working on the web page.
We need to take down the decorations before it snows.
Please keep checking back.